Plant Atlas 2020 was only possible due to the efforts of thousands of volunteer botanists who went out in all weathers to record plants throughout Britain and Ireland. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has taken part in the survey, especially the BSBI vice-county recorders (VCRs) and referees for the enormous contribution they made in collecting and checking the records. We also thank the many experts who wrote or edited the species accounts, and Chris Preston, Alan Leslie and David Barden who read through them all and, in doing so, substantially improved the accuracy of the information provided here. We are indebted to the BSBI country officers who were central to the smooth running of the project in their respective countries, namely Barbara Brown, Paul Green, Maria Long, Jim McIntosh, Sarah Pierce and Polly Spencer-Vellacott. Special thanks also go to Paul Green and Andy Amphlett who assisted with the validation of records for Ireland and Scotland. Many other individuals assisted in various ways, most notably John Poland who provided unpublished information on phenology, Nick Stewart for providing and checking records for charophytes, and David Pearman and Chris Preston for information on arrival dates for alien species. BSBI is also extremely grateful to all the photographers for permission to use their photographs, especially Rob Still and Chris Gibson. The BSBI is grateful for the generosity demonstrated by its members in supporting Plant Atlas 2020 through their many financial donations, and gratefully acknowledges the support of its partner organisations, the logos of which can be found below.
Pete Stroh, Kevin Walker and Tom Humphrey at BSBI had overall responsibility for the production of the Plant Atlas 2020 outputs and they would like to thank colleagues at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) for their dedication and expertise in developing this site. Richard Burkmar and Oli Pescott for technical development of the site and undertaking the analyses of trends respectively; David Roy for organising the funding for the production of this website as part of the work of the Biological Records Centre (BRC). BRC is organised and funded by the UKCEH and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). The production of this atlas was partly supported through Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability.